I know that some of you have seen the front of this little chipboard book before. I just thought I would share the whole book here. This was so fun to do, and I’m so glad that Debbie likes it. Debbie and I had bought a stack of ‘Spring’ paper together, and after making an Easter Banner, we had a lot left over, some of which we were not too fond of. We challenged each other to make something with the paper, so this is what I came up with.

I have all of the stuff, and I am planning on making one for myself as well, some day hopefully I will get it done!

Another reason I wanted to do a post today is to let any of our readers know that I will not be posting too much in the coming weeks, but as soon as I get the chance to do more scrapbooking/paper crafts, you bet I’ll be working on it. I still have some scheduled posts for the challenges, but I won’t be able to participate in the few that are there. Debbie will still be posting and doing some challenges if she has time this Holiday season, but hopefully after the first of the year, we will be able to get back on a good schedule of doing weekly challenges. Happy Scrapping, and if you make anything that you would like to share, you can still e-mail it to us, and we will get it posted!
Thanks so much for subscribing to The Happy Scraps! Find me on Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, and Twitter.

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