Seven and a half years ago, when we moved back to Utah from Arizona, we sold our entertainment center. We sold a lot of stuff that just wouldn’t fit into the trailer we were using to move. Once we got back to Utah, we were going to live in my in-laws house, but five weeks after we arrived, my dad passed away. My mom didn’t want to be living alone, so I ended up living with her/in her home for a year while most of our stuff was in storage. After living with my mom for a year, and only seeing my husband on weekends, we moved into the house we lived in for the last six years, my in-laws house. We were planning to be there temporarily, but since we had sold a lot of our things before leaving Arizona, we needed a few things. One of the things we needed was an entertainment center as well as a desk. I found a desk that I wanted, and the people selling it were also selling this piece. It’s actually a filing cabinet, but I thought it would work for an Entertainment Center. So we bought both of them. Ever since we bought them six years ago, I’ve wanted to give them both a makeover. I dreamed of having them painted white. I have to say, I’m glad I never got around to giving them a makeover before now though, because I wouldn’t have gone with this fun green color, I would have painted both the entertainment center and the desk white. Now that you know the story behind this entertainment center, I’ll share with you how we did the makeover on it using the HomeRight Finish Max Paint Sprayer that HomeRight graciously sent to me, as well as the Spray Shelter.
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When we bought it, it was black with a stained top. I like the little bit of contrast that it had, and I didn’t mind the black at first, but it got to a point that I wanted to lighten things up. It was also looking a little beat up, after all, I am the mom of five boys, and well, boys are hard on things.
We took all the drawers and the unit outside and started sanding. I was originally planning not to sand it, but now that it’s done, I’m glad we sanded it like we did.
I used a tinted primer on it to begin with. We thinned the primer to what it needed to be for the HomeRight Finish Max, and got the sprayer ready to go. I’ve never used a paint sprayer, so I was a little bit hesitant to use this. I just didn’t know what to expect. I can’t imagine painting this unit any other way! I’m so glad I had the Finish Max to use for this project!
Once the drawers were all sprayed with the primer, we moved them and then primed the larger unit, then let it dry. It was so nice to not have to worry about the over spray hitting anything it shouldn’t, since I had it in the Spray Shelter. Plus, the wind was blowing a little bit that day, and without the Spray Shelter, we wouldn’t have been able to paint at all. I highly recommend using the Spray Shelter.
After the primer was dry, we got the painted thinned down to what it needed to be, and started painting. It’s so fun to see the transformation before your eyes using the Finish Max! One of the best things about this paint sprayer is that you don’t have to have an air compressor to make it work.
Once the paint was pretty dry, we moved the unit as well as the drawers into the garage for over night. The next morning, I taped off the top and got out the stain. We wanted to leave the stained top, but it was in rough shape as well, so we sanded it down, and re-stained it.
I just used a towel to apply the stain. I actually remembered to use a glove this time, so my hand didn’t end up a different color. 🙂
Once it was done, I sealed it all with a spray sealer.
I added the new handles to the drawers, and it was ready to go back in the house.
I seriously love the way it turned out. Between the handles, the fun color and the ease of doing this project because of the HomeRight Finish Max Paint Sprayer, it makes me giddy when I walk downstairs in the morning and see it!
I’m so glad I went with a fun pop of color for this. Our walls are all a neutral color, so it’s fun to have some color in the room that’s not a wall. This also matches the gallery wall I have in this room. Once I get a couple of last things added to that, I’ll have to show it to you.
If you are thinking about taking on a large painting project like this (or even a small one), I highly recommend getting a HomeRight Finish Max Paint Sprayer as well as the Spray Shelter. This project would have been so much harder without both of these.
Disclaimer: I was provided a paint sprayer and shelter in exchange for a post. All opinions are 100% my own. I was not compensated for this post.

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