Here are two projects I did for my home.
I bought this letter M on clearance a while ago. It was just plain white. I never knew quite what I wanted to do with it. I found this cute black and white paper and modge podged it. I was going to add ribbon but the patter seemed too busy and I didn’t think it looked right. I may still play with it though. What would you do?

Then I hung some random black and white family photos around it. I think it turned out cute. This hangs on our big wall right by our front door and so far everybody who has come over has ooohhhed and ahhhed over it so it must not be too bad. 🙂

I’ve been lookin all over for something cute to go in my kitchen over by our table. I found this frame and knew right away what sign I wanted to make to go with it.
I bought this letter M on clearance a while ago. It was just plain white. I never knew quite what I wanted to do with it. I found this cute black and white paper and modge podged it. I was going to add ribbon but the patter seemed too busy and I didn’t think it looked right. I may still play with it though. What would you do?

Then I hung some random black and white family photos around it. I think it turned out cute. This hangs on our big wall right by our front door and so far everybody who has come over has ooohhhed and ahhhed over it so it must not be too bad. 🙂

I’ve been lookin all over for something cute to go in my kitchen over by our table. I found this frame and knew right away what sign I wanted to make to go with it.

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