This is going to have to be my final Halloween project for this year, I’ve completely run out of space to put things! 🙂 And I still have 3 Halloween projects that are not finished, but there is always next year!
We had another girls craft night a couple of weeks ago, and this is what we all made. I didn’t get mine finished that night because I wanted to use purple vinyl, so I went and picked some up a couple days later and cut it. I really like how they turned out, I just wish I would have used orange vinyl on the paper that is mostly black. I think the letters would have shown up a little better, but oh well.
We stained the edges and then cut our paper the size we wanted, and used Mod Podge to adhere it. After the vinyl was on we put a thin layer of Mod Podge over the top as well.
We picked up our blocks at The Wood Connection for this project, and on the back, we are going to make them say Merry Christmas, but we didn’t get that much done when we were working on them, so they’ll have to wait for another GNO.
This morning I woke up to a skiff of snow on the ground in our yard! While I’m not ready AT ALL for the snow this year, it really makes me want to make Christmas decor and cards! It anyone else feeling this way? I’ve told myself that I have to wait a little while, at least! 🙂
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