Wow! I feel like the week of Thanksgiving was such a whirlwind, I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday, and some yummy turkey! I know I did. 🙂 I had my fall fabric all cut out to make me a cute Frilly Apron, but I never got it made for Thanksgiving this year. I hope that I can get it done with plenty of time to use it next year.
I am SO excited to start making some Christmas decorations. Are you excited to create Christmas Decor? I know I’ve made a few already, and shared them, but I have some ideas that I’m dying to try and share. I hope I can get to it all. December always seems to be so busy, and for me, one of the first things that goes, due to lack of time, seems to be my crafting. I hope this year it’s different. I need my crafting time!
I’m going to be doing a giveaway here on the blog soon, mostly just for fun, but also because it’s the Christmas season. What would you like to see be given away? Give me some ideas, and let me know. 🙂
Well now that I’ve rambled for a while, take a look at this cute, very quick idea to add a little something to your home. I found all the stuff for these at the Dollar Tree, except for the ribbon. I was so excited that the Dollar Tree had these little styrofoam balls, and the vases!
I just simply put a bag of each color into a vase, it’s like they were made for each other! The balls fit perfectly in the vases.
Then I used some of my cute brown striped ribbon I got from Sami with Stampin’ Up, and tied them all together! It was really quick and easy, and I love how it turned out!
Stay tuned for more fun and quick (and some not so quick) project ideas for Christmas!

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