Today I want to welcome Ginger of Ginger Snaps Crafts.
Hi. I’m Ginger
from over at Ginger Snaps Crafts.
It’s a place to share ideas I’ve found, &
inspire you to create along with me.
I’m a wife to one awesome guy &
a busy mom of
5 wild & crazy kiddos.
I love to blog, garden,
craft, organize
& most of all be with my family.
I’ve been blogging for almost 4 years.
I love keeping a journal of my family,
but I thought our family blog was getting
a little overrun with all my craftiness.
So, that’s when I decided it was time to part ways
& start my very own craft blog.
So that’s how Ginger Snap Crafts started.
{Would love, love, love to have you stop by!}
One of the wonderful things about blogging
is the wonderful people you get to meet.
I am so excited to be blog swapping today with
Amy from {The Happy Scraps}.
We had a HUGE problem at our house
…by the end of the day every single cup
in the house would be used! Ugh!
Don’t you hate that?
So our solution was to give
each family member
their own personalized cup!
We were to use that cup
Guess what?
It worked! 🙂
If you know me you know that
I’ve had a little obsession
with vinyl for a while now,
but let me introduce you
to my new favorite: cast vinyl.
It’s awesome!
Cast vinyl is a durable vinyl.
It can be run through a dishwasher,
& it doesn’t come off.
(Cool, huh?)
So, here’s how I made our cups!
First you need some cups.
I got my cups from Walmart
4 for $1.00.
{You can’t beat that!}
I got my cups from Walmart
4 for $1.00.
{You can’t beat that!}
Then you need to cut your family’s names in cast vinyl. Cast vinyl is cut just like regular vinyl It’s a little thicker, so on my Silhouette I had to adjust the setting to a little thicker than my regular vinyl. {I get my cast vinyl from} Love those guys! I’m sure you can use just about any craft cutter to make these, too. {I also sale labels in my etsy shop.} |
Now you’ve got your cast vinyl ready to apply. |
I always start in the middle. Then I work my way toward the end on both sides. Gently rubbing the letters & allowing them to follow the curve. Rub over the entire surface with your fingers. |
Here’s our cups!
Yes, these are the ones we use everyday
& they have been washed a bunch.
The vinyl is still there!
Love it! 🙂
thanks so much for
having me over today.
having me over today.
I really enjoyed it.
Don’t forget to drop by
today to see
{The Happy Scraps}.
Thanks so much Ginger for swapping with me today! How cool is it to put names on cups. Man, this just makes me think of the dishes that I wouldn’t have to be hand-washing. And who knew there was vinyl out there like that, that could go through the dishwasher?! Awesome!
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