The other day I was going through some pictures, and found a bunch of 8 x 10’s. Do you scrap this size of photo? I like to. On one hand they are easy to scrapbook, because it’s only one photo, but on the other they can be hard, because they are so big. 🙂 Sometimes I trim them down. I’ve been working on a stack of them, so you might be seeing a lot of layouts with 8 x 10’s in the upcoming weeks.
This is one I did of my sons school picture from preschool. I actually started putting the page together for a different picture, but when it started coming together, I thought this photo would be perfect for it.
I ruffled some ribbons, added a button, and used one of my favorites, Thickers, for the title.
I also added these clear plastic letters. I’ve had these FOR.EVER! I’ve never used any, but I thought they added a fun touch. I used my stapler to attach them to the page.
For the background, I just used strips of patterned paper, and inked the edges of them with black.
It’s so fun to get more and more pictures into albums rather than sitting in a box! Have you had time to working scrapbooking layouts lately? I’m hoping to find lots more time to do so, after school starts again next month!
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