I can’t believe that August is already here! This August is a big month for our family. My oldest boy is turning eight. I can’t believe that I’m old enough to have an eight year old, but also that the last eight years have gone by so fast! He isn’t my little first born baby anymore (and hasn’t been for a while). My husband and I are also celebrating our 10 year wedding anniversary at the end of this month. That too has gone by fast! And school starts again…
I got my August magnet board calendar all put together. I can’t believe this is the last month I’ll be posting this. It was last September that I made the original calendar and started sharing it. If you’d like to see all 12 months, click here. Here is the header.Here are all the days.
I hope you have a great August! Do you have any last minute vacations planned before school starts? Maybe it’s already started for you. I hope to fit in a camping trip in the next couple of weeks, but we will see.

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