…no crib for his bed.
This is one of my favorite hymns that we sing in church at Christmas time.
A couple of years ago, I saw a manger at The Wood Connection, and I LOVED it. I never did get one, because it was a little bit bigger than I thought I had storage space for. Well, this year, they came out with a Table Top Manger! I was so excited! I picked one up as soon as they were available. I got my paint out and got to work.
I couldn’t let the star go un-glittered!I used my Cricut and Lyrical Letters cartridge to cut vinyl for the front of the manger. I also distressed the edges.
I filled it up with raffia for the straw. For Family Home Evening tonight we are going to talk about the kinds of gifts that we can give Christ for Christmas, and when we do those things, we are going to write them on a strip of paper and put them in the manger. On Christmas eve, we will read all of the gifts that we gave to Christ, and hopefully this will help my young boys to learn better the true meaning of Christmas. {I’m also hoping that it helps to de-stress the season for me!}
I’m really excited about this addition to our Christmas decorations this year, and I hope my boys are too, and that we can make this activity a tradition at our house.

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