A month or so ago, my cute sister in law, Anna, called me and asked if I’d help her make a nursing cover as a gift for a friend. I was excited that she would ask me, and it was fun to get together to create something with someone else. She had picked out this fun fabric, and we got to work.
We looked up this tutorial on how to do it, but made some adjustments. Anna and I both thought it needed to be more than just one layer thick of fabric, so this nursing cover is two sided. We didn’t use the D rings either, we just tied a bow at the end of the straps.One of my favorite parts of this is that the fabric from the back peeks over the top, and lines the front.
This was an easy project, to do, that didn’t take too long, but with figuring out the adjustments that we made, it did add a little extra time to the original tutorial.
Anna said her friend loved this gift, and I’m glad I could help her make it for her friend. 🙂

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