Do you know yet what you are giving your moms/grandmas for Mother’s Day this year? I’ve been thinking about it for a couple of months, and I’ve had the hardest time coming up with what to do. I asked on facebook and I also asked my mother-in-law what kinds of things were their favorites to receive for mother’s day. One of the most common answers was something handmade from the kids. I still didn’t really have any good ideas, and then I thought of this one. I sat down with my kids and had these all done with in a half hour, although it did take a little bit of pre-planning. I had to order the pictures, and cut out the flowers.
I started by letting each of my boys use washi tape to decorate some jars. I had a few different jar options so I let them choose what kind they wanted to tape up. (I’m a perfectionist, so this was a little bit hard for me! ha! Can anyone else relate when it comes to doing crafts with kids?)
I love they way that I can see the personality of each of my boys, just in the way that they decorated their jar. 🙂
This one is my 3 year olds, I think he did a great job! We made these for the grandmas, but I kind of want to keep them for myself.
Once we had the jars all decorated/taped up, I got out the paper straws. This is the perfect thing to use them for, because drinking with them is not the perfect thing…have you ever tried it? They go soggy so fast and, well, they taste like paper. They are now just part of my craft stash. 🙂
After sticking the pictures (punched out with a circle punch) on the flowers (cut out with my Cricut) we taped them to the paper straws. To make some of them taller we used bamboo skewers and put the straws over the top of them. Then we stuck them in the shredded paper that filled the jars.
I let my boys all put their own pictures/flowers together, and then they all traded around so each vase had one of each boy in it. It all seemed to work out pretty well with the height of each flower.
I can’t wait to give these to our moms and grandmas for Mother’s day. I sure hope they like them as much as I do!
So tell me, What are you giving this Mother’s Day? Something handmade, store bought, or something else? I’d love to hear your ideas.

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