Summer time, and the living is easy, and HOT! I love the summer time. I love be able to play outside and enjoy the sunshine. I don’t really love to turn on the oven during the summer and warm up the house. But I still do it. Yesterday I made some Chocolate Zucchini Bread, and it was worth it to warm up the house. Today I’m sharing Nine Summer Time Recipes from last weeks Creative Exchange Link Party. These recipes are sure to be a hit. Even if you do have to turn on the oven for some of them! Some of them are just in time for the 4th of July as well.
Doesn’t this Watermelon Lemonade from Pure Grace Farms look so refreshing? I love flavored lemonades, so this is on my list to make for sure!
Taco Salad is one of my favorite Summertime meals and this salad that Liz on Call shared looks amazing!
These Mini Lemon Tarts from The Casual Craftlete look divine!!
I know my boys would love it if I made them some of this Dirt Pudding from A Time for Seasons! Wouldn’t that be a fun summer activity with kids?
How about these Red, White & Blue Marshmallows from The Life of a Craft Crazed Mom? My boys would be in heaven if I made some of these!
Bacon Time with the Hungry Hypo shared this BBQ Chicken Linguine. It looks amazing!
Don’t these Orange Poppy Seed Cookies from Over the Apple Tree look amazing? I think so! I bet they are sure tasty!
I think this Trail Mix from Home Made Interest looks delish! What a fun way to snack on the 4th of July, but this could be used for snacking anytime as well.
Pasta Salads are one of my favorite summer time foods, and I’m sure this Italian Pasta Salad from Memories by the Mile is a delicious one! I can’t wait to try it!
I hope these recipes have inspired you to create some yummy foods this summer!

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