Today I decided that it was close enough to October that I could put up my Halloween decorations. I put my wreath on the front door, and found a place for my other things.
Last night I got together with my sister-in-laws and we had a craft night. We decided to make the cute pumpkins we found on Crafty Chic Mommy. I was so excited to make these! My sister-in-law and her husband got all the wood cut and ready for us, so we just showed up and painted them. Thanks Ben & Kurstin! 🙂 I was having a hard time putting all my decor together (this is the 1st year for fall decorating in this house) and I put my boo banner at the bottom at first, but it just didn’t look right to me, so I went and got my Cricut out and cut these cute leaves out with my Doodletype cartridge, and then just sewed them together at random angles. I LOVE how it turned out!
The wreath is one that I did a few years back, and it is still one of my favorite fall decorations! It’s so simple, but I love it.
I sprayed the pumpkins with gloss spray and I added some curly wire and the cute green striped ribbon (from Stampin’ Up) to the stem.
I am totally in love with they way this shelf all turned out with all the fall decor!
The next project we did was the Countdown to Candy. We found this idea over on Just Another Hang Up. When I saw it I knew I wanted to make one! (I didn’t realize when I was taking the picture that the paper for the 1 matched the bottom. I used 6 different patterns of paper.) We used Mod Podge to glue it, and we used vinyl letters and numbers for it, rather than printing them. 🙂
A couple of weeks ago I went to my friend’s class that she was doing, and we made these. I was so excited to have something cute to put my candy in.
These are the Spooky blocks that I made last year (I got the idea here). I was excited to get them back out again this year. I think they are so fun! I put my Spooky blocks up on the entertainment center, and then hung my BOO banner up as well. I was glad the banner fit and didn’t cover up the TV.
I hope you’ve enjoyed seeing my holiday decor. I’ll have more to come as well, we’re having another girls night to make more crafts in a couple of weeks. I can’t wait!

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