These are some pictures that I’ve had for a very long time. My son wasn’t even 2 in these pictures, and now he’s nearly 5. Needless to say, I was glad to get them on the paper. 🙂
I am always so happy when my little one wants to help, and anytime me or my husband is doing something, he wants to help! I love it! In these pictures, my husband was organizing his moms pantry for her and so Isaac was helping.
A few of the things I did for this page are I made this little ticket/tag to put the title on. I just cut a piece of paper in a rectangle and then used one of my circle punches to make the corner indent. Then I inked it with black ink.
I used my ‘torn out notebook paper’ punch for this strip of paper.
the ruffled ribbon technique.
I used my paper piercer to make it look like I stitched without thread.
And I used some big black brads and topped them with orange buttons.
I like how this page turned out, OK, but I don’t love it. The important thing is that these pictures are in a book, and I LOVE the pictures. I’m glad to have it documented and I know that I’m not going to LOVE every scrapbook page I do. Lately I’ve been trying to pick paper and go with it, rather than changing my mind after I’ve made a decision. Does anyone else struggle with changing their minds repeatedly while scrapping? I’m sure I’m not alone.

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