I’ve been asked a few different times how I am able to use Mod Podge and prevent having bubbling in my paper. So, I thought I’d throw together a quick how to.
You will need:
Mod Podge (I prefer the Matte kind)A foam paint brush, and something to smooth it out with. I LOVE my Pampered Chef scrappers for this. 🙂
You will also need your paper and wood, or whatever you are mod podging on to. Today, I’m putting paper on wood. Cut your paper first by either tracing your wood and cutting it out, or measuring how big you want it and cutting it. For this project, I cut a rectangle of paper a quarter inch smaller on each side to leave a border of wood. Once you have your paper ready, go ahead and put a thin layer of Mod Podge on your wood, using the foam brush.
Lay your paper on where you want it.
Then use the scrapper or something flat like it to smooth out your paper. You most likely will squeeze out extra mod podge. Be careful, if you get it on the scrapper, not to get it on the top of the paper. I like to keep wet wipes handy, and wipe off my scrapper.
Once you have all your paper down, let it dry. It dries clear. And if you’d like, you can put a coat of Mod Podge on the top.
One other tip, if you are putting paper to the edge of something (like I’ve done here), I trace the letter, cut it out, put it on and then I use finger nail files to file/sand the edges of the paper off to create a very finished edge.

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