Who’s ready for another Handmade Card Exchange? I learned a few things the last round of the card exchange so I’ll be changing a few things this time around.
- If you want to participate, EMAIL ME at [email protected] letting me know. Last time we did the comments and since blogger doesn’t always let people leave comments, I think this will make it easier, and you won’t have to post your email address in a comment either.
- We will cap the participation number at 20 people. {If we don’t get that many, we’ll just go with it.}
- For those that participate, you will make a set amount of cards, preferable all the same, and then I will have you mail the cards to me, along with a self addressed stamped envelope with the same amount of postage on it, that it cost you to mail the cards to me.
- I will sort the cards, and mail them out to the participants. 🙂
- The card size needs to be 4 1/4 x 5 1/2. We will NOT exchange envelopes.
- Sign ups will be open until November 9th, or until there are 20 people, whichever comes first. You will have until November 16th to make the cards and get them in the mail to me, and I hope to have them all sent back out by November 21st. I’m trying for a much quicker turn around time this time around.
- The theme this time is going to be Thank you cards. I thought it would be fun since it’s November.
- This exchange/swap is open to US residents only. Sorry.
One last thing…if you have friends that you know would be interested in participating in this, let them know, spread the word! This is going to be fun!

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