The last few weeks have been quite a whirlwind for me! Between getting to attend some events for bloggers, and some family events that have happened, it has been quite the three weeks.
In July, I was able to attend the Clear the Air Challenge kick off at Utah’s Hogle Zoo. The Clear the Air Challenge is used to try and encourage people to get out and walk or bike more, or chain your errands together, so you are driving less, and helping the air quality. It started on August 1st, and runs through the 31st of August. I registered to be a part of the Today’s Mama team and I encourage you to register as well, to see if you can cut back at all as well.
At the kickoff I was able to attend the press conference that Utah’s Governor Herbert spoke at.
I also got to hear Rachel from Today’s Mama at the press conference, along with Mayor Ralph Becker.
Then we got to enjoy a fun day at the zoo. This is my husband and boys looking at the Giraffes. It’s been a long time since I’ve been to the zoo, and it was so fun to be able to go there with my family.
After we left the zoo, we found out that my grandfather was in the hospital. He had fallen and broke his hip, and had to have surgery for it. He had complications with the surgery, and he didn’t make it. Although his health has been declining in recent years, his death was completely unexpected.
Later in the week, on July 26th, we were able to get together with some other fun bloggers and meet up at the Splash Pad in Daybreak, Utah. If you live close, but have never been there, you should go! It’s a fun little splash pad, and they have some fun shops near by.
My boys loved playing in the water, and we also got to enjoy some Gelato at Cafe Bella Rue! It was de.lish.ous!
After we’d been at the splash pad, later that day we headed out of town for my grandfathers funeral. The funeral was on Friday July 27. It was a hard, but good day. It was good to get to see others that were there to celebrate his life, but it was hard too. It was my dad’s father, my only living grandfather while growing up, and he is buried right by my dad. It’s the first funeral that I’d been to in 3 1/2 years. The last one I went to was my dads. But, I survived, and I think it was good to finally go to another funeral. Funerals really are a celebration of life.
The day after we returned home from the funeral, I wasn’t feeling well. I thought it might be food poisoning, but later found out that it wasn’t. I felt sick on and off for about 4 days, and then I was feeling better for a couple days.
I was so glad to be feeling better, because I was able to go to the Oh My Crafts Summer Sale! It was so fun! {If you follow me on Instagram (@amyhappyscraps), then you’ve seen a few pictures from then already.} Along with getting a fun goody bag, we all got to do a make and take and go shopping in their warehouse. Squeal!! It was SOOO fun!
They have some really, really fun wood designs along with some fun frames that they sell.
Aren’t these cute Winter letters just so fun!! I think I just might have to get some! We’ll see.
I was loving the fun display they have in their design room. How fun is this box with the pinwheels on it! I LOVE it! I was totally in my element there, it’s like scrapbooking meets wood crafts! And they sell fabric, what more could a girl ask for? Ha!
Well, before I could get a post up about how all of this fun stuff, early the next morning, Friday August 3, I ended up in the ER due to not feeling well again. I was having some severe abdominal pain. Come to find out, I needed my gall bladder out, so after spending a lot of the day in the ER, I headed into surgery, to have it removed. I’m now more than a week post surgery, but still having to take it easy. Today is my first day on my own with my four boys, so wish me luck! I’ve been a lucky girl to have so much family so willing to help with my kids!
Well, that was quite the long and random post about the last few weeks of my life, but if you made it to the end, then thank you for sticking around and reading this long thing! I hope to have more fun projects to share with you soon!

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