One of the first things that I pinned, after I joined pinterest, was this cute alphabet wall. I’ve wanted to make something similar ever since. I didn’t think I could make it work because it would cost a lot to buy all those letters and I have all four of my boys in the same bedroom, ranging in age from nine to two. I didn’t think my nine and seven year olds would appreciate an alphabet wall quite like my six and two year old would. Well, I finally figured out how I was going to make this work for me! I decided that I’m going to decorate right by each bunk, to make each boy feel like they have their own space, although they are all in the same bedroom.
So, this is what my two year old gets by his bed.
This is what I started with. I didn’t bother cleaning up before I took the before picture, although with 4 boys clothes, toys and books all in one room, this really is pretty clean! 🙂 Just keeping it real! Anyway, I plan on decorating on the wall inside both lower bunks and then above the upper bunk.
I used my Cricut and five different cartridges {Boys will be Boys, Lyrical Letters, Doodle Type, Printing Press, Birthday Bash} to cut out all of the letters. I tired to keep it all random, just to add more fun to it, along with the different colors of vinyl i used. It did take a while to cut everything out, and then to decide how I was going to situate it on the wall. I used masking take to tape the letters up and move them if needed, and then started sticking the letters down.
I love that my little guy is excited to go look at the letters by his bed now! I can point to a letter and he will tell me what they are, or I can say, “where is the letter ‘B'” and he will show me. I love it!
I can’t wait to get all of the decor done for this bedroom. They’ve had this bedroom for over 2 years, and I’ve never done much with it, so I hope it all turns out well! {By the way, it’s really hard to get very good pictures underneath a bunk! Who knew?}
So, how would you decorate a bedroom for four boys? I’d love to hear your ideas.

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