If you’ve been following along here, on facebook or on instagram this week, then it’s no secret that my little sister came home from the France Paris LDS mission yesterday. I’ve been SO excited to have her back, after not seeing her for 18 months. I knew that I wanted to give her something when she did get home.
Here are her and I at the airport, just after she got there. 🙂
Here is the Eiffel Tower that I gave to her, since she did serve in France. During Valentines, The Wood Connection had these, and as soon as I saw it, I KNEW I had to get it for her. I didn’t actually finish it until yesterday, but I’ve had it for a few months. I just painted the sides and back and then put paper on the front, and added the ribbon.
For this missionary tag, I also picked up a board at The Wood Connection. I had to cut it down to the size of 7″ x 12″ like I wanted, so it was the right scale for the tag. I used the Cricut Craft Room to design the Missionary Tag information, and then I cut it out of white vinyl on my Cricut Expression. After I got it cut out I thought the vinyl was to small, but once I got it on the board, I thought it looked perfect! I seriously love the way this turned out! I realized after I had it done that I should have had “The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints” in French rather than English, but I can do it in French on the back for her, if she wants me to. 🙂
This is one of my most favorite projects ever!

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