If you follow me on Instagram, you may have noticed about six weeks ago I was sharing Happy Highlights from my days. I did it for about a week, and I LOVED it. After about a week, it was staring to turn into a “oh ya, I forgot to do my happy highlights,” and it always seemed to happen when I had just got in bed for the night, so I slacked off. Well, I noticed something that week, I was happier! See, over the last few years, and especially the last two or three months, I’ve struggled with depression. I haven’t been told by a doctor that I have depression, but I know when I have down days, and I’ve had quite a few over the last few months. I was surprised when I started doing the happy highlights, how much it helped. Just jotting down four or five things throughout the day that made me happy.
So, a few weeks ago, when I was asked if I would like to try out a Billion Clicks clicker, I was all over that!! I wanted to try harder with my positive thinking. There really is a power with positive thinking. I headed over to www.billionclicks.org and watched this video.
Isn’t that some food for thought?!
Well, I got my clicker, and I was excited to try it out. The first day I was determined to have more uplifting and positive thoughts. I was doing okay with it, but I found myself thinking things like “I really like when I wear makeup, it makes me feel confident and pretty” (a + thought) followed by “too bad I never take the time to take the makeup off, and it causes my skin to break out” (a – thought). Well, I tried harder, I figured that if I was having a + thought followed with a -, then they were just counteracting each other, and it wasn’t doing me much good at all. I’ve kept trying to have positive thoughts and use my clicker to keep track of happy thoughts, and not negative ones. It is still a work in progress, but it is improving! I know for sure that when I am more positive, I am much happier!
Another fun part about Billion Clicks is that you can log on to the site and put in how many clicks you have. I’m excited to see how many I get accumulated. I’ve been resetting my clicker everyday, but maybe I’ll just keep on clicking everyday without resetting.
Through the month of November, if you head on over to BillionClicks.org, you can use coupon code “AMY469” to order your Clicker Kit, and you will get a free clicker, wristband and sticker, and you get to pick the colors! 🙂 Just make sure you use the code before November 30th, 2013.
Have your ever had a relate-able experience with thinking more positively? I would love to have your share it, leave me a comment!

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