So, months ago, like I think back in September or October, I decided that I wanted to put a gallery wall in my living room. We have a large wall that just had one picture on it, and then the entertainment center. It didn’t look too bare, but once the thought of a gallery wall came to mind, I knew that is what I wanted. So, I bought a frame, and we took some family pictures. I started collecting things that I thought I might want on the wall, and started thinking about colors and all that fun stuff. Well, fast forward to now, and I’m finally getting it done. The holidays were busy and it just wasn’t at the top of my list. Some of my ideas from the original thought have changed too. I’m excited with the way it is all coming together tho. I’ve shown a few little sneak peeks over on Instagram. Do you follow me on Instagram? If you don’t you should, it’s a lot of fun! Anyway, this is a little sign that I made to go on the gallery wall, and at the end I’ll share a very very small sneak peek of part of the wall. 😉 Not to worry, you won’t have to wait too long to see the whole thing. I’m hoping to share it next week.
One of the things that I knew I wanted to include on this wall was a quote. I was looking at a lot of different ones, but I wanted something that was uplifting for our family. I just hope my kids read it. 🙂 I love to pin quotes and inspirational messages on Pinterest, so I started by looking through my quote boards. When I came across this one, I knew it would be perfect. Short enough that my kids would read it, and easy enough for me to put together. I know I’ve shared lots of other signs like this in the past, but I’m still going to walk you through how I made this one.
I started by painting the face of the board white. Then I painted the entire thing gray. Once I had that done, I used my digital cutting machine to cut out the vinyl that I had designed. I used the reverse vinyl technique (took the letters out of the vinyl) so I could paint the letters yellow.
Once it was all painted I took some sandpaper to it.
Here it is on the wall, and the very small sneak peek! I’d love to hear your guesses as to what you think the stuff is in the picture…. also, this picture makes my walls look pink, yuck! They are actually tan, and I would really love to get rid of this color. I want light gray walls, but after painting it a few years ago, and how big of a pain it was, I’m having a really, REALLY, hard time talking myself into painting again.
Anyway, what do you think of the sign? Love it, hate it? I like it, and I’m happy with how it turned out. I can’t wait to show you the rest of the gallery wall. I just have a few finishing touches to add, and it will be ready. In the mean time, I’m hoping to share another project or two that has to do with Valentine’s Day.

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