Disclosure: This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #PowerToThePen #MyGo2Pen #CollectiveBias See Back to School Teacher Gift & Planner Organization Tips below.
I think I’m in a little bit of denial that we are already having to think about back to school! Are you? The summer break just doesn’t seem to last as long as I think it should. 🙂 I feel like I’m a little bit ahead of the game though, now that I have this simple back to school teacher gift put together and ready to go on the first day of school! You can have it put together and ready for the first day too, because I’m sharing the printable tags with you today!
I headed into Walmart to pick up a Pilot Pen pack and found some for a teacher gift and some for me to use in my planner. Both packs were just what I was looking for!
Today, I thought I’d share with you some tips for using these Precision Point Tip pens for helping keep things organized with your planner as well as the teacher gift. First, let me show you how I prefer to use my favorite Pilot Pen.
I opened up the package of the Deco Collection and put it in my planner zipper pouch. I love having my writing instruments close at hand and this keeps them right with my planner.
The great thing about the Pilot Precise V5 Premium Rolling Ball instruments is that they have a variety of rich color inks, a durable precision tip, and they write so smoothly. These are my favorite for using in my planner!
I like to use different colors of ink for the different tasks I have to get done. I use the pink for things that I need to get done personally. The green is for family things that I need to have written down. Purple is for blogging and work tasks. I use the blue to write down my blog posts that I have planned. I love that I can look at my planner at a glance and see what I have going on a particular day.
Because I keep the Pilot Pen in the zipper pouch at the front of my planner, it’s easy to grab the color I need and write down what I need to.
Not only does this method help me stay more organized, but it looks pretty too!
I don’t know about you, but I love a good fine tip pen, and these are the best! There is a fine line between good and the best and the Pilot Pen is above that fine line! The new Deco Collection is so fun and colorful too! Since I love them so much, I thought I should give my kids teachers the best as well!
I created this printable that is perfect to add to your favorite Pilot Pen package for a Back to School Teacher Gift! I printed out the tags on cardstock, grabbed my hole punch and some baker’s twine, and had this gift put together in no time. You can get the printable tags HERE. (These are for personal use only. Not to be sold.)
I pulled out my paper trimmer and cut the tags apart.
I punched a hole in the top corner of the tag.
Grabbed the baker’s twine and tied the tag onto the Pilot Pen package.
I love that tags match this package perfectly and it makes for the perfect gift to give a teacher.
Teachers always love when they don’t have to buy all of their own school supplies too!
Head on into your nearest Walmart and grab yourself a Pilot Pen pack or two and don’t for get to grab some for the teachers as well so you can put together a Back to School Teacher Gift! Right now you can find this Deco Collection Pilot Pen Set on the end cap near the office supply section.
Not only will you love these, but so will the teachers that you give them to!

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