Next to Christmas, Halloween is my favorite holiday to decorate for. I don’t love the scary side of Halloween, I just like the cute side of it. When I saw this adorable line of Doodlebug Designs Halloween paper, I knew I needed it. The first thing that came to mind when I was thinking about how I would use this paper was to make a Halloween banner, but I just haven’t had time this year. Maybe next year. I decided to make this fun little paper lollies decoration to go in the window sill above my kitchen sink. I adore how it turned out! (And I still have paper left over to play with another time.)
Let me show you how I made it. I had this cute black and white container (I found it in the $1 spot at Target last year) with a lime green lining. It has Halloween written all over it! I set a foam floral block (I bought a 4 pack at the Dollar Tree) down in the bottom of the container. Then I got out my bamboo skewers. I cut them off at different lengths, and then I wrapped them in washi tape! How fun is that?!
I stuck them back into the foam and set it aside while I got to work on the lollies.
Last year I did a tutorial on how to make these, so I didn’t do a new one, but if you want to make larger ones, then you have to glue two strips of paper together end to end. I prefer to do it after they are scored. I also ink the edges of all of mine. Let me know if you have questions.
For all of my lollies, I did different widths on my scoring, just to add extra character.
The cute little center pieces of most of the lollies are cut out from one of the papers. I hand cut them and inked the edges, then used a pop up foam adhesive to adhere them.
This is about as scary as I get for Halloween. My husband even made a comment to me that I used a skull. I know, scary, right? I told him that this one was cute and not scary so I was okay with using it. 🙂
I couldn’t pass up using this adorable little button with a spider on it! Isn’t it just so cute. It is also from Doodlebug Designs.
I wish I could frame this cute little trick or treat sign!
I think with all of them together they look so fun and festive! I used my glue gun to glue the skewers to the back of the lollies.
When I had everything else done and put together, I decided to add some washi tape to my container, and add this cute picture of a little ghost.
And did you notice the fun washi tape skewers peeking around in there? I think they are much more fun than plain skewers, huh?
Now I think I could stand at my sink and wash dishes a little longer, just cause I have something fun to look at!
Are you creating any last minute Halloween decorations? This may just be my last one for this year. 🙂

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