Five years ago when my oldest son was starting first grade, I wanted to have something to scrapbook that was of his handwriting. I had in my mind the questions I wanted him to answer. I found some scrapbook paper that was lined, just like the lined paper they use in school at that age, and I told my son to write the questions and then answer them. I helped him, but he wrote the whole thing. By the time we got to the end of the first question, he was almost in tears. So I ended up writing the questions and then him writing the answers. It worked out, and I’m so glad that I have my little first graders handwriting. This year, I was thinking about that, and how I wished I had done that with the rest of my boys when they started first grade, or any grade. That is when I realized that I could make a Back to School Questionnaire printable and use it for all of my kids, and also each and every year that they start a new grade. I made this one for my boys, and I thought I’d share it with you. I plan to just slip it into a page cover and put it in their scrapbooks.
You can download the file here. The Happy Scraps prinatables are for personal use only.
I hope you enjoy doing this with your kids. I’m excited to see how my boys answer these questions when they start school next week. Have your kids gone back yet? If not when do they go?

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