Have you started decorating for Fall yet? I’m just starting to think about it. A few weeks ago, I was over at The Wood Connection sharing this fun Harvest Letter Set. Today, I’m sharing it here. When I saw this set, I fell in love with the cute little scarecrow. I’ll walk you through how I finished my scarecrow today.
To make your own, you’ll need:
- Harvest Letter Set
- Paint (Spice Brown and Light Ivory)
- Paint Brushes
- Rafia
- Glitter
- Paper
- Wood Glue
- Rustic Twisted Wire
- Jewels (for the eyes)
- Sharpie Pen
- Ribbon
I painted all of the sides and backs of my letters brown. When I painted the scarecrow, I knew I was going to glitter the hat, so I made sure to paint the front of the hat brown as well. I painted the arms on the front too, so I could add the rafia on them and have some paint behind it. I also painted the scarecrows face with light ivory. Once the paint was dry, I cut little pieces of rafia, and glued them on to the arms, and the bottom of the scarecrow. I just used wood glue for this, and it worked great!
To glitter the hat, I taped off the hat area, and then using wood glue and a paint brush, I spread the glue around, and poured glitter over the top, then shook off the extra. Then I tied a ribbon around it.
I knew I wanted the face to be a cute scarecrow face. I looked up some pictures of scarecrow faces, and wow, they are not all cute! I did find some cute ones though, to get an idea from. I love the look of the stitched faces, so that is what I went with. I grabbed a little piece of yellow scrap paper and cut it into a triangle. I glued it on, and then I used some jewels for the eyes. Once I had those all on, I used a sharpie pen to draw the stitched lines on the face.
Isn’t this straw bale about the cutest thing ever?! I thought it was just one of those mini straw bales that you can buy, but it’s not. It is a block of wood, wrapped in rafia. The example at The Wood Connection has a cute little bale like this, and I knew I wanted to do it the same way. It’s just too cute! The Rustic Twisted Wire is perfect for this project too. I love the way it makes the straw bale look.
And that is how I finished the cute little scarecrow. It makes the perfect T for this Harvest set!
What is it about fall time? I just love it. I love the crisp and cool air, the crunchy leaves, everything! After a warm summer, I’m pretty ready for some cooler temperatures. How about you? Another one of my favorite things in the fall, is the decorating. Fall is my favorite season to decorate for. I enjoy all the seasons, but Fall seems to favored a little more.
So, tell me, do you love these fun Harvest Letters as much as I do? You can head on into The Wood Connection and pick some up for yourself today, or order online. They would be perfect on your entry table, mantle, shelf, or anywhere else you decided to use them. They also have a bunch more fun items in their fall line that just came out. You won’t want to miss it!
What is your favorite Fall decoration? Did you make/finish it? Buy it? I’d love to hear what it is.

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