Summer is crazy. Does anyone else feel that way? It seems like every year, the first part of the summer goes smoothly, but after about half way through, it just seems to be chaos, right? Maybe you’ve notice, and maybe not, but the last few weeks around the blog have been kind of quiet. I feel like I was on top of creating and sharing for the first part of summer and then I just couldn’t keep up with it anymore with my kids home. I was excited when I decided I wanted to do some Back to School Decorating, and I had so much fun pulling it all together. Lately when I’ve been creating, sometimes it feels more like work than just creating for fun, so it’s not as enjoyable, but when I decided to decorate for Back to School, I just had fun with it, and I so enjoyed that!
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I really didn’t have a lot of back to school decorations, but I had a few things. I had my Back to School banner that I put together four years ago and I had this cute mini chalkboard, but it was blank. I grabbed my Cricut and some white vinyl and quickly cut out the word LEARN to add to the chalkboard. I also found a few books on our book shelf that had paper covers on them. I pulled the covers off, liked the color of the book, and placed it on the shelf. Then I added a couple of apples.
I put this cute little tray/crate on the shelf and felt like it needed something else. I’ve had these cute little banner pieces on hand for years. Probably five years, and never have used them. This was the perfect little project for them. I covered them with washi tape and then placed thickers on the top of them to create this simple and cute banner. Then I hung it from the little tray.
These banners were super easy to do. I just had a couple of sheets of back to school Project Life type cards. I cut up the sheet of 12×12 paper that they were on, and strung them together with baker’s twine. I really love the randomness of them as well as what they add to the whole display.
All of it put together is so fun, don’t you think? My kids did ask me why I was decorating for back to school while I was doing it, I don’t think they realized that school starts in just over a week. In some ways I’m not ready for back to school at all, but in other ways I am. I’ve quite enjoyed my boys being home this summer, even if we haven’t really done very many fun things (not having a car for nearly a month out of the summer, kind of put a damper on things), but my seem to be able to find fun things to do with each other and I love that. Aside from all the fighting and bickering (sigh, siblings) that’s been happening, it really has been a pretty good summer.
Some mornings it has started to feel like fall to me, but I’m not quite ready to pull out all the fall decorations so I’m excited to have this display up for a few weeks.
If you’re looking for Back to School Decorating Ideas, I hope this has helped, and you’ll be able to shop your home, put together a couple of cute banners and decorate for Back to School this year. One of the things I’m hoping to do this year is to have a Back to School dinner. I always want to, but it never happens. We’ll see if it comes together this year!
If you have already decorated for back to school, I’d love to see it. Just post a picture on instagram and tag me! My handle is @thehappyscraps.

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